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151 Reviews
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99% Recommend this product (150 of 151 responses)
By Jim
Review for Lucky Launcher II Dummy Launcher Set
April 17, 2008
Love it. Use it all the time to train my dogs, both previous and current. Can throw the dummy out so far that it is a real swimming challenge even for a big healthy Chessie (none better!). You can also use weaker blanks and not throw it too far for training exercises. Great for getting the dog used to a gunshot and to watch for the fall. The only thing that I don't like is that it doesn't fold up somehow. It doesn't fit in my dog duffel or any I can find, and so it gets separated and lost. Other than that it is great, wouldn't be without one.
By Jeff J.
Review for Lucky Launcher II Dummy Launcher Set
May 23, 2007
I really like my Lucky Launcher. It performs its job quite well. I've added some tube foam to the stock for padding. My only complaint, and it's not the launcher, but the loads can really be hit or miss. There's no real uniformity to them, and at times there can be quite a few duds.
By Shaun S.
Review for Lucky Launcher II Dummy Launcher Set
May 8, 2005
It is reliable. Throws great marks! The dog learns right away about following the gun, gunfire, and area of the fall. This simple tool ties it all together. I'd recommend it to EVERY serious dog trainer.

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